Friday, November 13, 2009

Piano Lessons For Beginners - 3 Reasons To Try Piano Lessons Online

By Lily Adams

It used to be that in order to take piano lessons for beginners, you had to hire a piano teacher that would either come to your home or you to theirs. This isn't the case anymore as the internet is allowing people to learn from home completely on their own with online piano software. In this article we will look at some of the benefits of this method and 3 reasons you might want to attempt piano lessons online.

1. Less Expensive: Taking piano lessons the traditional way can cost a lot. And although there are many benefits to studying the piano this way, it isn't the only way available to do so anymore. You could easily spend $15 or more for a half hour lesson every week. This can add up to over $700 per year, and if you take lessons outside of the home you also have to factor in gas mileage. Using the internet to learn is a much less expensive way to learn.

2. Learn at Your Pace: With online piano lesson software, you can learn at your own pace. Skip ahead or slow the lessons down, it is entirely up to you and how comfortable you feel with the skills you are learning. You won't have to wait until a teacher decides you are ready before moving on and you won't feel rushed through certain sections as you get to decide the pace.

3. Choose Your Particular Interests: Unlike traditional piano lessons, where you have to play the pieces that are given to you by your instructor, you have much greater freedom to choose your particular interests with online piano lessons. While classical music plays an important role in learning technical skills and mastering theory, it can sometimes be pretty boring and will motivate you less to practice than if you get to play something you really want to play.

This article discussed the top 3 reasons to give piano lessons online a try. Selecting this method will cost you less, allow you more freedom to learn at a level you are comfortable with and play the songs you really want to learn.

This is a new wave in learning an old instrument; but the same principles apply in online instruction as they do with traditional piano lessons. Don't let the new look deter you from giving it a try.

Whether the lessons are for you or a loved one, online piano lessons for beginners is a pretty new concept...

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