Tuesday, August 18, 2009

To Buy A Mini Laptop Or Not To Buy

By Bob Randalph

So, your eye has been caught by the sleek mini laptop a friend or colleague is now toting around. They are light, super portable, and in some cases unbelievably cute. Before you slip out the credit card consider whether it is actually a wise investment or just a passing fad.

There are three main benefits to buying a mini. Obviously, it will be lighter weight and thus easier to carry around, but it is also more compact which makes it super portable. Also, you can carry it in a much smaller bag so it isn't as obvious to everyone on the street what you have with you.

Many people may also find it much easier to position and work with while they are in different locations or seating positions.

Yet, whether your purchase is worth the price tag will depend largely on what your intended use for the laptop is and which one you select. There are some things to keep in mind when determining this for your own situation.

The first question is how much time you will spend really typing longer texts or messages on your mini. If you will be working on it or otherwise typing longer texts you want to ensure the keyboard is designed comfortably. Some on the market right now will not be very comfortable for a long typing session.

The second consideration is how often this laptop will be used to access the internet. Even if it is just occasionally, you will need a good processing speed if it is going to be worth the investment. Some move slower than others, so make sure that you select one that is not going to leave you sitting in frustration waiting for images to load.

Third, do you need one with Bluetooth capabilities? Not every laptop is Bluetooth compatible, but without it your access to the internet will be more limited. You will need a wifi network to connect without it, so make sure it is included to ensure you can get online whenever you want to.

If you are already looking to purchase a new laptop and want something more compact and lightweight this could very well be a great purchase. Just make sure that you pay attention to what it is capable of doing and that it will process fast enough for your uses. If you already have a laptop, it may not be worth the expense of trading it in for a mini right now.

If you have not used a mini laptop in the past, make sure to play with a few different display models in a store before making a purchase. This will give you a good idea of how comfortable the different features are to use and ensure that you will be happy with the purchase.

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