Thursday, January 22, 2009

Keep Important Office Documents Safe

By Leo Tenskyville

In todays world, no one is safe from the prospect of theft. One of the primary targets for thieves is personal information like bank accounts, social insurance numbers and birthdays. With this data it is easy for thieves to steal an identity. Likewise, any company that generates new products or ideas needs to take steps to keep their information safe from their competition.

For starters, you will want to keep your entire computer protected from those who would try to get into it. If someone stole your PC or laptop, what would the consequences be? Besides having access to your personal information they could also obtain sensitive work documents or personal information about your clients.

If you have MS Office 2007 it is simple to password protect any file you have by doing the following:

On the top-left of your document click the Office Button Click Prepare option and then select Encrypt Document from the list Enter a password and Save

Older versions of MS Office also have password protection available, the instructions are just different:

With your document open, go to File | Save As At the top of the Save As screen select Tools | General Options You will be presented with a Save Options screen Enter a password to open / password to modify or both and click OK You will be prompted to re-enter your password(s), click OK when done Save the file

Earlier versions of MS Office also have password protection available in the Save As screen under the Tools | Options selection. Your passwords should be easy enough to remember by not easy to guess by someone else.

Now that your files are protected from the wrong sort of people, you will need to take measures to protect the files themselves. After going through all that hassle to keep your important files safe the least you should do is make sure that in case of a power surge or a computer failure that you can still access your files.

There are several different ways to back-up your files:

1) CD-ROM: copying your files to a CD-ROM is simple and quick. Keep in mind that you'll need to make a new CD regularly so your files are up-to-date.

2) Flash Drive: for a few dollars you can pick up a flash drive that is big enough to keep a copy of any files you may need. Best of all a flash drive is portable and can go anywhere you go, or squirreled away safely where someone cant find it.

3) Online Storage: Storing your files online is safe and simple, with the added bonus that your files are available wherever you are in the world. For a small monthly fee you will have a folder set aside on a secure sever that only you can access.

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