Friday, April 24, 2009

Internet on the Go

By Dan H.W. Reynolds

Not long ago in order to have Internet access on a go we had to take our laptops. That's a good option but laptop is till rather bulky and not very convenient. Alternatively we could have taken hand-held computers or smart phones. Alas they are too small to enjoy the full Internet browsing experience.

The revolutionary small laptops turned everything around. They are known as the netbooks. A netbook is in a nutshell a smaller laptop. But its size are just right for the purpose - to have Internet access anywhere you go and still have full unlimited access.

A netbook is not the most powerful computer but it does the job. Some models include big storage to save pictures or videos from your digital camera, which is another use for these devices. They are merely the size of a purse so you can take them in any travel.

Some models are made with extra durability in mind which gives you the opportunity take them to a rough environment, such as hiking. You may not have Internet access when you go hiking, but considering the storage they provide, you can use them to store your pictures or video footage.

Another use for those who spend a lot of time online is the chance to quickly check your e-mail, your Facebook messages or other stuff. How often have you turned off your computer just to remember something and having to turn on the computer back again or leave it for later. A netbook boots up a lot faster and to check something when you're away from your computer is a good option.

However you use your netbook, it's a handy device. Netbooks had a lot of pessimists, but their popularity has sky-rocketed and is still rising. It's obvious that they are here to stay.

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