Friday, January 30, 2009

What Part Does Planning And Goal Setting Play In Study Success?

By Scott Edwards

No great accomplishment has ever been achieved without planning. When Sir Edmund Hillary conquered Mount Everest, he wasn't out for a stroll and all of a sudden found himself at the summit! To make a change to your life you have to plan to make the change or it won't happen.

Prior to commencing your training course, take the time to think about your personal goals, and work out a study programme with targets or indicators of success along the way. To help you get started, use the acronym Smart to qualify the goals you plan to achieve. Smart stands for specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and targeted.

Make a personal contract based on the following 5 D's to immerse yourself in the positive outcome of your studies. This contract should be written down, and signed.

DEFINE (what you want out of it) e.g. the exact car, house, number and type of holidays, income level for partner to give up work etc. Be specific or you won't know when you've achieved it. Re-enforce it with photographs and put them up around where you plan to work.

DESIRE is what stirs us deep down. Think about why you've decided to take this course, and why it's important to you. The more emotionally involved you get with your desire, the more you'll stick with it. Pin point whether it's the job, the status, the challenge, or the control etc. that drives you.

DEDICATION (the commitment) How much time will you spend studying each week and when? Put it on a calendar, in a diary, or on the fridge! You've made an appointment with yourself to fulfil your future, so keep it; it's really important to put specific time aside to study. Let the people in your life know when that is, so they won't expect you to do other things at that time (just as they don't when you go to your job). Psychologically you'll also find it much easier on yourself if you do this. It means when you're relaxing you won't be feeling guilty that you're not studying, and when you're studying you won't be feeling you're missing out on some other activity.

DETERMINATION - The will to stick to the plan until completion and see it through. This is your contract to ensure that you won't let yourself down.

DISCIPLINE. The goals and disciplines you put in place will give you strength to overcome any adversities that inevitably come your way.

Your contract is a working document designed to assist and strengthen you through the change in your life. Keep it close by, and take time to look at it regularly. Add inspiring thoughts and ideas to it that will keep you on track and spur you on. The more emotionally involved you get with the results of completing your course, the sooner you'll get through it. Expectation of good things, along with planning and goal-setting, have proven time after time to bring the desired results to fruition.

About the Author:


Unknown said...

Do you subscribe to any other websites about this? I'm struggling to find other reputable sources like yourself

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